Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Acting Company Activity #3

For this activity, your group will be looking for patterns in language in Titania’s speech (II.i.125-142). Complete the following:

1.     Read the passage to punctuation (See Cheat Sheet).
2.     Note any ideas that come to you as you read and analyze the passage.
3.     Are there any images that make a picture in your head? Note them. Is there a pattern of theme to these images? Explain. Are the images peaceful or violent, hot or cold? What are the most memorable mental pictures in the passage?
4.     Look for metaphors in the passage. Note them.  How does the use of metaphor enhance the passage?
5.     Look for and note words that evoke smells or sounds.
6.     Look for examples of alliteration and assonance. Note them. How does this affect the passage?
7.     Look for repetition of words and phrases, noting them. Why do you think Shakespeare included these repetitions?
8.     Draw some conclusions about the overall effect of the piece and its mood. How do the parts mentioned above help to achieve that effect?

Be sure to take good notes during this close text analysis and place it with this paper in your group folder.  Folders should be turned in at the end of class.

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