Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thursday, December 23

Objective:  SWBAT
·      Create a card in order to express good wishes.

I.       Warm-up
II.    Card Creation

·      Complete novel!!

·      Find a friend and wish them happy holidays.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Irony and Tone

  1. Verbal -- someone says something different than what she actually means.
  2. Situational -- a situation turns out very differently than what is expected.
  3. Dramatic -- the audience knows more than the characters.
Why does Wiesel use irony in his novel?  What purpose does it serve? How does it impact your understanding of the events in the story?


Examine the following passage from the novel (p. 34).  How does this passage represent the scope of change in Elie's religious belief?  What are the crisis points for Elie in regards to his religion?  Examine and note this thread as we move through the novel.

     Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed.
     Never shall I forget that smoke.
     Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky.
     Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever.
     Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.
     Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.
     Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God Himself.

Wednesday, December 22

Objective:  SWBAT
·      Analyze the use of irony and tone in passages in order to determine author’s purpose

I.    Warm-up
II.    Irony
III.  Figurative Language Activity
IV.  Night Passage -- Religion

·      Read ch. 7

·      Take and complete Irony Worksheet

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Demoralization and Dehumanization

These are two terms we will be examining in class in reference to our novel.  Focus questions for these terms include:

  1. What do demoralization and dehumanization mean?
  2. How are the Jews demoralized during the novel?  What specific actions do the Nazis take to ensure that the Jews do not revolt at any time during the war? Why do you think the Nazis do this?
  3. How are the Jews dehumanized when they arrive at the concentration camps?  How does this dehumanization continue throughout the novel?  Why do you think the Nazis do this? 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Objective:  SWBAT
·      Analyze and modify use of figurative language in text in order to determine author purpose

I.       Warm-up
II.    Character Identification
III.  Figurative Language Activity

·      Read ch. 6

·      Take and complete Descriptive Writing Worksheet

Monday, December 20, 2010

Web Quest Links

Didn't finish the web quest in class?  Here is the link so that you can finish it on your own time and turn it in:


Monday, December 20

Objective:  SWBAT
·      Identify important characters in the novel and determine their relationship to the protagonist
      I.              Warm-up
      II.                  What is a million?
III.                Character Identification 
IV.                 Reading Guide
·      Read ch. 5
      ·      Prepare your essay for collection.
o   Cover Sheet
o   Final Copy
o   Peer Review Sheet
o   Rough Draft
o   Interview w/Parents (if removable)
o   Assignment Sheet
o   Reflection Sheet

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Night Vocabulary Words

1.     Lorries
2.     Emigration
3.     Billeted
4.     Haggard
5.     Truncheons
6.     Melancholy
7.     Hermetically
8.     Pious
9.     Unremittingly
10. Nocturnal
11. Lucidity
12. Oblivion
13. Harangued
14. Reverie
15. Compulsory
16. Congeal
17. Blandishments
18. Cynical
19. Manacled
20. Cleft
21. Raucous

Friday, December 17, 2010

Welcome English Students!

Okay. So many of you never look at the calendar, nor do you get everything in class, so here you go. This will allow you to keep track of what is going. I will post the following on this blog:
  • Daily Agendas
  • Notes
  • Vocabulary
  • Due Dates
Check it. Live it. Love it. Get good grades!